Our Treatments

Initial Consultation    

At your initial consultation, a medical history and medication is taken along with a complete health assessment of your feet. The initial appointment includes any podiatry treatment that is needed and a personalised care plan is constructed.

Routine Follow-up    

A routine follow-up is a 30 minute appointment which includes the treatment of nails, corns and callus. A drill is used to smooth cracked heels followed by a relaxing foot massage to complete the treatment. A routine podiatry treatment is recommended every 6-8 weeks.

Verruca Treatment    

Verrucas are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and are highly contagious and often painful. A very strong Salicylic Acid is used which causes very minimal pain compared to all other treatments. The acid burns the verruca and is extremely effective at healing verrucae permanently. If you have a verruca or suspect you might, book an appointment to have it checked before passing it on to someone else or before the verruca spreads to other parts of your foot.

Medical Pedicure                     

A medical pedicure is a thorough foot treatment and a treat for your feet. Nails, hard skin and corns are all treated prior to a relaxing foot massage with luxury creams. Medical Pedicures are different from regular ‘salon pedicures’ as they are carried out by a podiatrist and all instruments are sterile, therefore ensuring no cross-contamination, which regular pedicures are infamous for.

Diabetic Assessment    

During a diabetic assessment the circulation and feeling in the feet are checked to ascertain whether your feet have suffered any circulation or sensation loss. A full medical history, medication check, and thorough foot assessment (including assessment of footwear) is carried out. Tailored diabetic foot care advice is issued and any treatment required is included. It is strongly advised that diabetics get their feet treated by a podiatrist every 2-3 months.

Nail Surgery                 

Nail Surgery involves the removal of problematic, ingrowing toenails or nails damaged by trauma. Depending on the nail and extent of the ingrowing toenail, it may be possible to complete a partial nail avulsion which involves only taking the ingrowing section out. In other cases it is best to remove the whole nail. The procedure takes 1 hour to complete from start to finish and involves a local anaesthetic injection. The price includes a 3 day follow-up and 6 week review appointment.

Biomechanics Assessment  

A full Biomechanics Assessment is carried out by taking a history of the onset of pain, duration and exercise levels. A visual gait analysis is then carried out. You are informed whether your feet are pronated, neutral or supinated and how this effects the rest of your body. Any biomechanic issues will be diagnosed and explained. A treatment plan, including exercises/stretches and footwear advice, is given and insoles will be discussed if appropriate.